Maysha Crysup and Elaine talk about why support groups are so invaluable to the healing process.

Sunflowers, Me, and Fibro
I chose the sunflower for both this website and my e-book cover because of what this blossom represents to me. On a personal level, I have loved sunflowers for a very long time, partly because they are in full bloom when my late August birthday rolls around each year. And secondly, because their big, bold, sunny faces always lift my spirits; and their blooms symbolize optimism to me.
When our bodies develop a complex physical health challenge, as in Fibromyalgia, I think we all need as much cheer as we can find. Daily life can be challenging enough when we are first learning how to navigate and accommodate the unexpected changes in our bodies. Additionally, it is still common to encounter judgmental responses when sharing our experiences with others. Sadly, this still includes limited or biased understanding from many in the medical community as well as personal friends, family, and co-workers.
I experienced extended isolation in my early years of living with Fibromyalgia. I have heard this same experience described by many, many others I’ve met in my classes and support groups over the past two decades. This is why I chose to focus on extending support to others living with fibromyalgia when I was well enough to return to my work in healthcare in 2000. I wanted to provide informed, compassionate, and affordable support options to let others know that they are not alone. Not only is the social interaction essential but healing-focused interactions help create a mindset of empowerment and the right to consider new possibilities. This is the very opposite of what many are told when receiving a chronic disease medical diagnosis. We are commonly advised to learn how to manage the symptoms rather than greeted with a mindset that encourages us to explore what this experience means to us and how we choose to approach it depending upon our values and sense of life meaning. I admit that I sadly do not have the magic formula for all, but I am committed to supporting your journey of exploration to find the life that best reinforces the well being of your mind, body, and spirit.
My hope is for you to reclaim your deep sense of wholeness. Many times I have repeatedly witnessed the power of individuals coming together with a shared goal of supporting and celebrating each other’s steps forward so they can live their best in the face of a big life challenge. You can find descriptions of my support options currently available on this site’s Support Offerings page.
I chose the sunflower for both this website and my e-book cover because of what this blossom represents to me. On a personal level, I have loved sunflowers for a very long time, partly because they are in full bloom when my late August birthday rolls around each year. And secondly, because their big, bold, sunny faces always lift my spirits; and their blooms symbolize optimism to me.
When our bodies develop a complex physical health challenge, as in Fibromyalgia, I think we all need as much cheer as we can find. Daily life can be challenging enough when we are first learning how to navigate and accommodate the unexpected changes in our bodies. Additionally, it is still common to encounter judgmental responses when sharing our experiences with others. Sadly, this still includes limited or biased understanding from many in the medical community as well as personal friends, family, and co-workers.
I experienced extended isolation in my early years of living with Fibromyalgia. I have heard this same experience described by many, many others I’ve met in my classes and support groups over the past two decades. This is why I chose to focus on extending support to others living with fibromyalgia when I was well enough to return to my work in healthcare in 2000. I wanted to provide informed, compassionate, and affordable support options to let others know that they are not alone. Not only is the social interaction essential but healing-focused interactions help create a mindset of empowerment and the right to consider new possibilities. This is the very opposite of what many are told when receiving a chronic disease medical diagnosis. We are commonly advised to learn how to manage the symptoms rather than greeted with a mindset that encourages us to explore what this experience means to us and how we choose to approach it depending upon our values and sense of life meaning. I admit that I sadly do not have the magic formula for all, but I am committed to supporting your journey of exploration to find the life that best reinforces the well being of your mind, body, and spirit.
My hope is for you to reclaim your deep sense of wholeness. Many times I have repeatedly witnessed the power of individuals coming together with a shared goal of supporting and celebrating each other’s steps forward so they can live their best in the face of a big life challenge. You can find descriptions of my support options currently available on this site’s Support Offerings page.